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Mealtimes have never been easier.

Freezer Prep Friends is the place to help you finally get meals on the table without feeling like you ran a marathon or spent a week's paycheck to get there.

Each month you'll get new recipes, one-hour prep guide, and be able to create custom freezer prep plans for your family.
PLUS access to 30+ amazing freezer prep guides and so much more.

Join now for just $19/month

The struggle at every single meal of the day is so REAL.

Let’s be honest, having food ready for every single meal of the day is HARD. Does this sound like you?

  • Mealtimes, no matter what time of day, are stressful. You’re always dreading the question ‘what do we have to eat?’
  • You end up eating out for lunches, dinners, and more breakfasts than you care to admit because looking at the fridge and figuring out what to eat is stressful.
  • Between work, school, and extra-curricular activities you feel like you are always running to one thing or another and cooking a meal always ends up being impossible
  • Even with a fridge full of food you don’t know what to make and half of it ends up going bad trying to cook dinner.
  • You hate being asked what is for dinner because you never really know. 

It's time to say goodbye to all the crappy feelings that come with stressing what to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and FINALLY, get all your meals under control.


"I just joined. Did my first prep this evening and now have two dinners and a breakfast prepped

I can see this saving me a lot of money!"

— Freezer Prep Friends Member

Easy-to-prep freezer guides and recipes at your fingertips any time you need them for every meal of the day!

On the 1st of every month, we will release a brand new One-hour Freezer Prep Guide! Plus you'll get access to any new full-month freezer prep guides as they are released as well!


Get instant access to 30+ Freezer Prep Guides (both one-hour and full month guides), video preps, a growing recipe index, resource library, and create your own custom freezer prep guides including step-by-step prep and grocery list!

$2,000+ Value (and growing!)



"Literally this was life changing!!!

We are on week 2... It's so FREEING!"

-Lindsey, Freezer Meal Guide Customer

Making meals at home has never been easier.

In a few clicks generate your own custom freezer meal guide with grocery list and step by step!

Each month get access to a brand new one-hour freezer meal prep guide, new recipes, and even new monthly prep guides as they are released!

Finally, stop looking at the fridge trying to figure out what to make and have a delicious meal ready with zero effort.

Freezer Prep Friends is PERFECT for anyone who wants to stay on budget, make real meals for their family, and actually ENJOY their days without stressing what's in the fridge.

Stop grabbing take-out every other day and start having real meals ready whenever you need them.

  • Stop stressing about cooking each day and just pull a new recipe out and dump! 
  • Stop fighting your kids at dinner time and actually get to sit down and enjoy time with them.
  • Have meals stocked so you don't have to constantly ask the question what do we have to eat?
  • Stop eating processed food and give your family real home-cooked meals! 
  • Have time to actually finish the dishes in the sink! (Seriously, this is the first time in my life I've kept up with dishes!) 
  • Have a filling breakfast ready in minutes for your kiddos (and yourself) and stop grabbing pop tarts on the run.


"As a fellow ADHD-er, 10/10 game changer."

You can hyperfocus and get it done and then all you have to do is thaw and throw it in a crock pot and forget about it!"

-Lindsay, freezer meal guide purchaser


What if meals looked like this instead?

Instead of looking at the fridge with dread and trying to throw something together you just grab your prepped meal ready to go.

You get to cuddle your kids, talk to your spouse, and stop stressing about getting food to cranky family members.

You have way fewer dishes than usual so you actually get them done (almost) every night.

You don't feel guilty for ordering out or cooking frozen chicken nuggets for the fifth time in one week because you have a delicious home-cooked meal ready!


"Thank you so much for doing the hard work for me with the freezer meal guide!

I've always wanted to do this, but could never figure out how.

This has made my life so much easier!"

— Chelsea, Freezer Meal Guide Customer

Need all the details?


New One Hour Freezer Prep Guides each month + Access to all new month prep guides

New One-hour preps each month that revolve around different themes! Breakfasts, dinners, lunches, and more!

  • In each One-Hour Freezer Mini-Prep, we will make 6 meals or at least 24 individual meals
  • Each month we'll tackle something different so you always have something on hand!
  • Delicious recipes specifically made for the freezer so they taste awesome.

Create Your Own Custom Guides!

The magic meal prep portal feature is where you can pick the meals you want to prep from and generate your own grocery list and step-by-step instructions!

  • Add the recipes to your meal plan.
  • Customize your recipe serving size for your family!
  • Generate step-by-step prep instructions.
  • Generate a grocery list for the meal prep.
  • Name and download your meal prep!

Video Step by Step for Each Mini-Guide!

Each month I'll do a video prep of the new mini-guide!

You'll love these perks:

  • Perfect to see exactly what you're doing each step of the way
  • Keeps you on track to get it done FAST!
  • Helpful tips that just wont work well on a page

Growing Index of delicious freezer prep recipes (and more!)

An easily searchable growing index of amazing freezer recipes (and regular prep recipes too)

  • Search by cook method, meat type, and more to find what you need
  • More recipes will be added over time and you'll have access to all the goodness!
  • The ability to switch the recipes to Metric with the click of a button

Growing Resource Library

Growing resource library for things like Instant Pot how-to’s, storage guidelines, and more!

A few of the awesome resources already included:

  • Printable cheat sheets for Instant Pot cook times
  • Full guide on how to store your freezer meal recipes and what containers are recommended
  • Printable sheets for freezer labels, meal planning, shopping lists, inventories and more

Facebook Community of Freezer Prepping Friends!

A Facebook community full of friends who love freezer meal prep just like you!

  • Live challenges that will help you improve your kitchen and prep smarter
  • A place to share tips, ask questions and connect with each other!

Making meals has never been easier- let's do it friend!


  • New One-hour Freezer Mini-Prep Guide each month
  • Access to any new full-month freezer meal guides as they are released
  • Video prep along
  • Easily searchable growing recipe index
  • Meal Plan + generate grocery lists from your favorite recipes
  • Growing resource library
  • Facebook Community of Freezer Prep Friends
  • Community challenges and more!

$2,000+ Value and GROWING!



  • New One-hour Freezer Mini-Prep Guide each month
  • Access to any new full-month freezer meal guides as they are released
  • Video prep along
  • Easily searchable growing recipe index
  • Meal Plan + generate grocery lists from your favorite recipes
  • Growing resource library
  • Facebook Community of Freezer Prep Friends
  • Community challenges and more!

$2,000+ Value and GROWING!




  • New One-hour Freezer Mini-Prep Guide each month
  • Access to any new full-month freezer meal guides as they are released
  • Video prep along
  • Easily searchable growing recipe index
  • Meal Plan + generate grocery lists from your favorite recipes
  • Growing resource library
  • Facebook Community of Freezer Prep Friends
  • Community challenges and more!

$2,000+ Value and GROWING!





"You've made my life so much easier with this.

Thank you so much!"

-Freezer Meal Guide Customer

Friend, I have BEEN there, are you ready to say goodbye to all this stress and finally have easy meals ready to go whenever you need them?

I'm Rachel. Mom of two and freezer prep lover.

When I had my second child and became a stay at home mom I felt all this pressure to do it all. 

You know, clean the house, cook the food, have a side gig, keep the kids alive. 

I quickly found for our crazy lifestyle I just simply could not do it all. The WHOLE time I was cooking dinner I was juggling grumpy kids, a clingy toddler, and my husband was doing all he could to help. It just was not working. 

When I started freezer prepping meals I couldn't believe how happy I was at the end of the day. 

I dump my meal in the Instant Pot and then I go to hang out with my kids. THAT'S IT. 

I cuddle them on the couch. I get to really spend time with them and tend to their needs because they've had a long day too! 

I made this membership so that you all can have this amazing peace when it comes to meals too. Mama keeping up with meals is hard, but you've got this!


"I love how much money and time I'm saving.

I love that I never have to worry about meal planning and or making a grocery list.

It makes everything so much easier. "

— Nicole, Freezer Meal Guide Customer


Frequently Asked Questions

How will I get the membership and printables after I purchase?

As soon as you log in you'll be redirected to the membership site with all the freezer prep goodness! You can log in again anytime at with the email and password you set up previously.

I don't have enough room in my freezer!

I do a month of freezer meal prep only with the freezer attached to my fridge! This takes way less space than you'd think. In the resources section I've also included my Freezer Clean Out Challenge to help you make space!

What will be new each month?

Each month you'll receive a new One-hour mini-prep and a live prep along. We will be adding other resources, recipes, and challenges to the Facebook community, but these will be released as they become ready and not on a monthly basis.

I have food intolerances or allergies, how do I know if this is safe?

As a food allergy mom myself I take allergies and dietary restrictions VERY seriously.

All of my guides have dairy and gluten alternatives listed.

They typically do not contain nuts.

If you have any other dietary restrictions and wonder if this will work for you please feel free to email me at and I am more than happy to help you figure out if it will work for your family!

I already have some of the freezer meal guides, are these the same recipes?

Nope! These recipes are brand new so you can add them to your mealtime arsenal.

I've had freezer meals before and they taste bad. How are these different?

Yep, I totally get that. ALL of these meals have been thoroughly tested and optimized for the freezer.

They taste amazing! There isn't any discernable taste difference for these recipes.

These are not just leftovers frozen, they are specifically made to be delicious from the freezer.

Do I need an Instant Pot for these recipes?

These recipes are really diverse and not all Instant Pot by any means! Any of them that are Instant Pot also include Crock Pot instructions.

What happens if I unsubscribe? Can I subscribe again for the same price?

If you cancel your founder subscription you will not be able to re-subscribe at that rate. You only keep the rate if you stay subscribed.

Do you offer refunds?

We do not allow refunds on this membership, but you can cancel at anytime.


"I started this week, I was so scared I wouldn't be able to do it.

I got everything done in 3 hours!"

— Amy, Freezer Meal Guide Customer

What are you waiting for? Let's do this!

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you sign up for Freezer Prep Friends!

  • New One-hour preps each month that revolve around different themes! Breakfasts, dinners, lunches, and more!
  • Monthly step-by-step prep videos for each new Mini-Prep released!
  • An easily searchable growing index of amazing freezer recipes (and regular prep recipes too)
  • A magic meal prep portal that allows you to create your own meal plan! Pick the meals you want to prep and generate your step- by-step instructions and grocery list!
  • Growing resource library for things like Instant Pot how-to's, storage guidelines, and more!
  • A Facebook community full of friends who love freezer meal prep just like you!
  • Inside this community, we'll be holding challenges as well that help you improve your kitchen and prep smarter.
  • Recipes with adjustable portion size and the ability to switch to metric if needed!

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